Amsterdam in top 10 happy holiday destinations

Just a quick note on a nice little article posted on the Times Online website yesterday. Authored by the Rough Guide to Happiness guru Dr Nick Baylis is a great list of The ten happiest places to holiday - and our beloved Amsterdam males it into the list! According to Dr Baylis:

Amsterdam: saving our souls from the over-use of technology
In old Amsterdam, cars come a clear second to bikes, (in both legal precedence and practical terms), proving that we really can do it - rather like we’ve proved smoking can be stopped in public places. Chattering couples ferry each other around the canal-sides on big curvaceous bicycles with sit-up-and-beg handle-bars and two-tone bells. In fact, I own just such a beauty, with the unlikely name of The Sparta Granny.
It seems odd to agree with him on the 'saving us from technology' point while we are sitting here writing a blog, but we know where he is coming from! - We have made these points in numerous posts on this website.......


Jack Daniel said...

Interesting site.